
Trust Pharmacy guarantees the non-disclosure of personal information transferred by the user and also undertakes to ensure its secure storage – protection from accidental or intentional unauthorized access and warning of possible risks of copying, distribution, blocking, changing, damage, loss or destruction of data.

What data does the privacy policy cover?

The subject of our website privacy policy is any personal information required to enable the user to provide services, which he reports during the registration process or when placing an order. These data primarily include user name, email address, contact phone.

In addition, the data that the site automatically receives when the user visits its pages is also protected: access time, operating system data, IP address, purchase history, cookies information, addresses of visited pages.

During processing, we have the right to perform the following actions with personal data: collect, record, arrange, accumulate, store, refine, retrieve, use, transfer in order to study customer needs and improve the quality of our products and services, de-personalize, block, delete, destroy.

What is personal information requested for?

The processing of personal data is carried out in order to facilitate the submitting of a retail sale agreement with a pharmacy organization, the effective execution of orders and other obligations to you. Client’s personal data can be used for:

  • identification of the user, checkout, payment processing and signing of a retail sale agreement with our pharmacy;
  • providing access to personalized information on the website;
  • providing feedback for the processing of applications, notification of the order status, assistance in matters related to the use of pharmacy services, providing (with the user consent) information on prices, promotions, special offers, product updates;
  • periodic sending you information about events and news of our reliable online pharmacy;
  • providing (if necessary) technical or customer support to the user;
  • implementation (with the user consent) promotional activities.

If at any time you wish to stop receiving our newsletters, you can do it by following the instructions contained in each of the newsletters.

To whom can personal information be transferred?

Trust Pharmacy carefully protects customer data, does not sell it and does not transfer it to third parties.

When can personal information be disclosed?

Data transfer to third parties is carried out on the basis of the legislation of the United States of America or with the consent of the subject of personal data. In addition, the disclosure of such information may be made to protect the rights and property of our online store, as well as to ensure the personal safety of employees.