
Red5 Pharmaceuticals, LLC currently leverages its patented technology in three biomedical areas:

Chemo Sensitizer

An Important Component

Chemotherapeutic agents that compromise the integrity of nucleic acid are important components in modern medical efforts to combat hyperproliferative diseases, such as cancer and autoimmune dysfunctions as well as viral and microbial infections.  Many compounds, such as BCNU, cyclophosphamide, and cisplatin are effective chemotherapeutic agents because they significantly modify nucleic acid and inhibit DNA synthesis and/or DNA repair to prevent cellular proliferation.


However, the widespread use of these agents is limited by two major complications.  First, they are non‑selective DNA damaging agents.  Second, these agents induce lesions that if inappropriately replicated can cause further mutagenic events to potentiate oncogenesis.

Translesion DNA Synthesis

Translesion DNA synthesis also represents a possible route for the initiation of drug resistance, genetic variations associated with solid tumors, and the development of secondary cancers.



Theranostic Nucleosides as Personalized Medicines

Personalized medicine emphasizes the customization of pateint care by tailoring treatments and therapeutic practices to an individual. Conventional approaches typically involve the molecular profiling of a patient’s cancer through genetic, proteomic, and/or metabolomic analyses. Unfortunately, these efforts have met with limited success.


To combat this problem, Red5 Pharmaceuticals is developing more effective personalized treatments against cancer. Our research focuses on the development and applications of “theranostic” agents as anti-cancer agents. “Theranostic” agents are chemical entities that combine a specific therapeutic activity with unique diagnostic properties.

A New Paradigm in Personalized Medicine

Combining these properties provides physicians the ability to accurately measure the therapeutic activity of the drug in real time. This technology represents a new paradigm in personalized medicine as the proper therapeutic dose can be directly based on the behavior of the drug within an patient.



According to American Cancer Society, more than 1,660,000 people were diagnosed with cancer in 2013 alone. More than 70% of these patients will be treated with DNA damaging agents as part of their therapy. A current limitation of these treatments is the inability of oncologists to rapidly and accurately assess if a patient will respond favorably or poorly to these treatments.  Red 5 Pharmaceuticals, LLC is developing new technologies to overcome this urgent clinical problem.